Star Wars “New Canon” Storyline Primer
These Are the Star Wars Storyline Lists You’re Looking for
A Pedestrian Fan
I’ve been a fan of the Star Wars movies my whole life. The first motion picture I remember seeing in a movie theater was The Empire Strikes Back. I was 9-years-old. Back then the movie was called The Empire Strikes Back, not Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. Ever since then I’ve been a pedestrian fan of the Star Wars movies and even stood in line for The Phantom Menace in 1999. I have never been a fervent, impassioned fan of the movie franchise. But, I’ve always felt the magic and lure of what could be in a galaxy far, far away.
My Star Wars interests got serious at FanX 2015 in Salt Lake City. I was curious to hear the latest speculation about the next Star Wars motion picture, The Force Awakens. The Walt Disney Company announced it would make Episode VII the day they acquired Lucasfilm on October 30th, 2012. By the time I was at FanX over two years later the first The Force Awakens trailer was out and I had watched it eight hundred times. I wanted to know more about this movie, badly. The lifetime allure for Star Wars was still there.
The only times in my life I had sat with so many other Star Wars fans in one room was at movie theaters. Going into my first of many panels at FanX was a whole new social experience for me. I loved it. The purpose of this article is not to rehash the discussions at FanX’s myriad Star Wars panels. But, I will say that they were great. I learned more about Star Wars at FanX then I had learned my entire life before then. I knew there was more to the Star Wars saga than six, and soon to be seven, motion pictures. But I never realized that the galaxy far, far away had so much life and history. I got hooked on Star Wars like never before as I listened to experts on the saga go into detail like I had never heard.
There was talk of an Expanded Universe, of Dark Empires, of Old Republics, of a Rule of Two, of Asajj Ventress and a hundred other things Star Wars that I had never thought too much about. I left the convention with more questions about Star Wars than I had come with. And that was okay. My heretofore pedestrian view of Star Wars took a more fervent turn. It was time for me to take my personal Star Wars fandom to a higher level.
Delving Into the Force
I decided to educate myself on the subject. I thought a couple of Internet searches would get me on my way. Surely there was something out there that said, “New Star Wars fans start here…” Of course, there were thousands of “start here” opinions. I love and hate the Internet. I was overwhelmed by the volume of Star Wars material. I should have known, but in my alacrity to become a qualified Star Wars junkie I forgot that there is thirty-five years of books, comics, cartoons, role-playing games and more delving into the Star Wars saga.
Where was I or anyone else to start in an effort to move beyond the motion pictures and take a new and increased love of Star Wars to the next level of fandom? It seemed an impossible task and I wondered if I could ever catch-up. Continuing my personal Star Wars adventure had suddenly gotten complicated.
Thankfully, Lucasfilm had come to the rescue and I did not even know it. On April 25, 2014, they announced a new standard for the Star Wars saga storyline. Going forward, the canon of Star Wars shall be known as the six motion pictures and Cartoon Network’s animated The Clone Wars television series and Disney’s own Star Wars Rebels animated television series. Kathleen Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm, also said that “We’re set to bring Star Wars back to the big screen, and continue the adventure through games, books, comics, and new formats that are just emerging. This future of interconnected storytelling will allow fans to explore this galaxy in deeper ways than ever before.”
I know there are strident and heartfelt opinions about Lucasfilm’s streamlining of everything Star Wars-related. What was known as the Expanded Universe, everything of the preceding thirty-five years, was effectively hand-waived outside of Lucas’ six movies and The Clone Wars and Rebels TV series as of Kennedy’s announcement. Star Wars canon was officially aligned into something manageable. Everything else outside of the new canon, three decade’s worth of Expanded Universe material, is imprinted as Legends. Valuable and interesting, but no longer officially part of the Star Wars saga.
The new canon alignment is great news for a newcomer. My task of codifying a list of essential Star Wars material became easier. So easy in fact, I made three lists. These lists are presented for you to use as you pursue your personal Star Wars fandom. They are in chronological order as they occur in the Star Wars saga. These lists are not official in name or presentation, but their contents are all official material in proper sequence.
The Padawan List
The first storyline list is what I call The Padawan List, since it is what I consider the core essence of what Star Wars is. So, if you are a newcomer like me, or need brushing up, this is for you. It is simply the Star Wars motion pictures and the new line of canonical novels. Even the busiest person should be able to get up-to-date on Star Wars in a year or less and easily manage to stay that way.
- I The Phantom Menace
- II Attack of the Clones
- Dark Disciple (novel)
- III Revenge of the Sith
- Lords of the Sith (novel)
- Tarkin (novel)
- A New Dawn (novel)
- IV A New Hope
- Heir to the Jedi (novel)
- Battlefront: Twilight Company (novel)
- V The Empire Strikes Back
- VI Return of the Jedi
- Aftermath (novel)
- Aftermath: Life Debt (novel)
- Aftermath: Empire’s End (novel)
- Lost Stars (novel)
- New Republic: Bloodline (novel)
- VII The Force Awakens
The Jedi List
The second storyline list is for fans that want to delve more deeply into the Star Wars saga. I call it The Jedi List, as it goes beyond the basics and takes much more time to experience. It adds The Clone Wars and Rebels animated TV series, which are very well done. However, the addition of the two animated series makes for over sixty hours of viewing, and Rebels is only in its second season. It also adds some Junior Reading material and comics from the Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens series. Anything on the Jedi List between the A New Hope motion picture and the Lost Stars novel serves as a great content to prepare for The Force Awakens movie. I think The Jedi List can be done in a year or so by the dedicated fan.
- I The Phantom Menace
- II Attack of the Clones
- The Clone Wars TV series
- Dark Disciple
- III Revenge of the Sith
- Lords of the Sith
- Tarkin
- A New Dawn
- Rebels TV series
- IV A New Hope
- Smuggler’s Run: A Han and Chewie Adventure
- Heir to the Jedi
- The Weapon of the Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure
- Battlefront: Twilight Company
- V The Empire Strikes Back
- Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure
- VI Return of the Jedi
- Aftermath: Life Debt
- Aftermath: Empire’s End
- Lost Stars
- New Republic: Bloodline
- VII The Force Awakens
The Complete List
The third storyline list is crazy. Calling it The Complete Star Wars Media Storyline List does not do it justice. Even though the new Star Wars storyline excludes numerous works as far back as the early 1980s, what remains going forward is still an enormous amount of information. It won’t fit in the body of this article and shall found below. It has over three hundred line items of material from the motion pictures, to novels, to youth reading material to mobile device apps. It is sorted by year in the Star Wars saga storyline by default. However, it can be sorted by media type and stay in storyline order. You can even search for specific writers and release dates. This list is what I imagine would earn a Star Wars fan Master Jedi status. Or, if you’re more inclined to the Empire’s point of view, think of this third list as a Fully Armed and Operational list.
There is another great element of our Master Jedi list that must be recognized. It has the entire new Star Wars saga canon and is a total resource for any Star Wars-related need. For example, it presents material for all levels of reader. Items defined as Young Reader material is for kids ages six to eight. Junior Reader items are appropriate for youth ages eight to twelve. And the Short Stories, while great for any age of reader, are terrific ways for teenagers to get involved in the Star Wars saga. There are many comics in the new canon that are great fare for any age reader.
I am personally working my way through an adjusted Master Jedi list. I am skipping the video games and the youth reading media. I am in the middle of the animated The Clone Wars TV series as the 2015 November/December issue of Utah Geek Magazine goes to print. I have subscribed to the comics and they are literally piling up, waiting for me to get to them. And I will.
I hope you find one ore more of these lists useful. Use them to create your own Star Wars to-do list. Let us know how you continue your adventures and experience the adventures of the Star Wars saga. I will keep the Master Jedi List up-to-date as Star Wars media is announced. So check back often.
May the Force be with you, always.
Email Don at or follow him on Twitter at @donkbrown.
The Master Jedi List
List | Year | Media | Title | Writer | Date | Notes |
Padawan | 0 | Film | Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace | George Lucas | 5/19/1999 | 20th Century Fox |
Master | 0 | Young Reader | The Phantom Menace | Courtney Carbone | 7/28/2015 | Golden Books |
Master | 0 | Video Game | Star Wars Journeys: The Phantom Menace | 4/22/2014 | iOS app | |
Master | 3 | Comic | Obi-Wan & Anakin | Charles Soule | 1/5/2016 | Marvel Comics |
Padawan | 10 | Film | Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones | George Lucas, Jonathan Hales | 5/1/2002 | 20th Century Fox |
Master | 10 | Young Reader | Attack of the Clones | Geoff Smith | 7/28/2015 | Golden Books |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 16 Cat and Mouse | Drew Z. Greenberg, Brian Larsen | 3/26/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 16 The Hidden Enemy | Drew Z. Greenberg | 2/6/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | Film | Star Wars The Clone Wars | Henry Gilroy, Scott Murphy, Steven Melching | 8/142008 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 1 Clone Cadets | Cameron Litvack | 9/172010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 3 Supply Lines | Steven Melching, Eoghan Mahony, Drew Z. Greenberg | 9/24/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 1 Ambush | Steven Melching | 10/3/2008 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 2 Rising Malevolence | Steven Melching | 10/3/2008 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 3 Shadow of Malevolence | Steven Melching | 10/10/2008 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 4 Destroy Malevolence | Tim Burns | 10/17/2008 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 5 Rookies | Steven Melching | 10/24/2008 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 6 Downfall of a Droid | George Krstic | 11/7/2008 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 7 Duel of the Droids | Kevin Campbell, Henry Gilroy | 11/14/2008 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 8 Bombad Jedi | Kevin Rubio, Henry Gilroy, Steven Melching | 11/21/2008 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 9 Cloak of Darkness | Paul Dini | 12/5/2008 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 10 Lair of Grievous | Henry Gilroy | 12/12/2008 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 11 Dooku Captured | Julie Siege | 1/2/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 12 The Gungan Genera | Julie Siege | 1/9/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 13 Jedi Crash | Katie Lucas | 10/16/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 14 Defenders of Peace | Bill Canterbury | 1/23/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 15 Trespass | Steven Melching, Scott Murphy, Henry Gilroy | 1/30/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 17 Blue Shadow Virus | Craig Titley | 2/13/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 18 Mystery of a Thousand Moons | Brian Larsen | 2/13/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 19 Storm Over Ryloth | George Krstic | 2/27/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 20 Innocents of Ryloth | Randy Stradley, Henry Gilroy, Scott Murphy | 3/6/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 21 Liberty on Ryloth | Henry Gilroy | 3/13/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 1 Holocron Heist | Paul Dini | 10/2/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 2 Cargo of Doom | George Krstic, Scott Murphy | 10/2/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 3 Children of the Force | Henry Gilroy, Wendy Meracle | 10/9/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 17 Bounty Hunters | Carl Ellsworth | 4/2/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 18 The Zillo Beast | Craig Titley | 4/9/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 19 The Zillo Beast Strikes Back | Steven Melching | 4/16/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 4 Senate Spy | Melinda Hsu, Drew Z. Greenberg, Brian Larsen | 10/16/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 5 Landing at Point Rain | Brian Larsen, Drew Z. Greenberg | 11/4/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 6 Weapons Factory | Brian Larsen, Drew Z. Greenberg | 11/13/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 7 Legacy of Terror | Eoghan Mahony, Drew Z. Greenberg, Brian Larsen | 11/20/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 8 Brain Invaders | Andrew Kreisberg, Drew Z. Greenberg, Brian Larsen | 12/4/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 9 Grievous Intrigue | Ben Edlund, Drew Z. Greenberg, Brian Larsen | 1/1/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 10 The Deserter | Carl Ellsworth, Drew Z. Greenberg, Brian Larsen | 1/1/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 11 Lightsaber Lost | Drew Z. Greenberg | 1/22/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 12 The Mandalore Plot | Melinda Hsu, Drew Z. Greenberg | 1/29/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 13 Voyage of Temptation | Paul Dini, Henry Gilroy | 2/5/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 14 Duchess of Mandalore | Drew Z. Greenberg, Brian Larsen | 2/12/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 20 Death Trap | Doug Petrie, Drew Z. Greenberg, Brian Larsen | 4/23/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 21 R2 Come Home | Eoghan Mahony, Drew Z. Greenberg, Brian Larsen | 4/30/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 22 Lethal Trackdown | Dave Filoni, Drew Z. Greenberg, Brian Larsen | 4/30/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 5 Corruption | Cameron Litvack | 10/8/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 6 The Academy | Cameron Litvack | 10/15/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 7 Assassin | Katie Lucas, Drew Z. Greenberg | 10/22/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 2 ARC Troopers | Cameron Litvack | 9/17/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 4 Sphere of Influence | Katie Lucas, Steven Melching, Drew Z. Greenberg | 10/1/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 8 Evil Plans | Steve Mitchell, Craig Van Sickle | 11/5/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 22 Hostage Crisis | Eoghan Mahony, Brian Larsen, Drew Z. Greenberg | 3/20/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 10 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 9 Hunt for Ziro | Steven Melching, Craig Van Sickle | 11/12/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 10 Heroes on Both Sides | Daniel Arkin | 11/19/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 11 Pursuit of Peace | Daniel Arkin | 12/3/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 15 Senate Murders | Drew Z. Greenberg, Brian Larsen | 3/19/2009 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 12 Nightsisters | Katie Lucas | 1/7/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 13 Monster | Katie Lucas | 1/14/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 14 Witches of the Mist | Katie Lucas | 1/21/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 15 Overlords | Christian Taylor | 1/28/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 16 Altar of Mortis | Christian Taylor | 2/4/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 17 Ghosts of Mortis | Christian Taylor | 2/11/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 18 The Citadel | Matt Michnovetz | 2/18/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 19 Counterattack | Matt Michnovetz | 3/4/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 20 Citadel Rescue | Matt Michnovetz | 3/11/2010 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 21 Padawan Lost | Bonnie Mark | 4/1/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 22 Wookiee Hunt | Bonnie Mark | 4/1/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 1 Water War | Jose Molina | 9/19/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 2 Gungan Attack | Jose Molina | 9/16/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 3 Prisoners | Jose Molina | 9/23/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 4 Shadow Warrior | Daniel Arkin | 9/30/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 5 Mercy Mission | Bonnie Mark | 10/7/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 6 Nomad Droids | Steve Mitchell, Craig Van Sickle | 10/14/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 7 Darkness on Umbara | Matt Michnovetz | 10/28/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 8 The General | Matt Michnovetz | 11/4/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 9 Plan of Dissent | Matt Michnovetz | 11/11/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 10 Carnage of Krell | Matt Michnovetz | 11/18/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 11 Kidnapped | Henry Gilroy, Steven Melching | 11/25/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 12 Slaves of the Republic | Henry Gilroy, Steven Melching | 12/2/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 13 Escape from Kadavo | Henry Gilroy, Steven Melching | 1/6/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 14 A Friend in Need | Christian Taylor | 1/13/2011 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 15 Deception | Brent Friedman | 1/20/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 16 Friends and Enemies | Brent Friedman | 1/27/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 17 The Box | Brent Friedman | 2/3/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 18 Crisis on Naboo | Brent Friedman | 2/10/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 19 Massacre | Katie Lucas | 2/24/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 20 Bounty | Katie Lucas | 3/2/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 21 Brothers | Katie Lucas | 3/9/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 22 Revenge | Katie Lucas | 3/16/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 2 A War on Two Fronts | Chris Collins | 10/6/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 3 Front Runners | Chris Collins | 10/13/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 4 The Soft War | Chris Collins | 10/20/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 5 Tipping Points | Chris Collins | 10/27/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 6 The Gathering | Christian Taylor | 11/3/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 7 A Test of Strength | Christian Taylor | 11/10/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 8 Bound for Rescue | Christian Taylor | 11/17/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 9 A Necessary Bond | Christian Taylor | 11/24/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 10 Secret Weapons | Brent Friedman | 12/1/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 11 A Sunny Day in the Void | Brent Friedman | 12/8/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 12 Missing in Action | Brent Friedman | 1/5/2013 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 13 Point of No Return | Brent Friedman | 1/12/2013 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 1 Revival | Chris Collins | 9/29/2012 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 14 Eminence | Chris Collins | 1/19/2013 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 15 Shades of Reason | Chris Collins | 1/26/2013 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 16 The Lawless | Chris Collins | 2/2/2013 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Master | 12 | Comic | Kanan 7 | Greg Weisman | 10/28/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 12 | Comic | Kanan 8 | Greg Weisman | 11/18/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 17 Sabotage | Charles Murray | 2/9/2013 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Master | 12 | Comic | Kanan 9 | Greg Weisman | 12/16/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 18 The Jedi Who Knew Too Much | Charles Murray | 2/16/2013 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 19 To Catch a Jedi | Charles Murray | 2/23/2013 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 20 The Wrong Jedi | Charles Murray | 3/2/2013 | Cartoon Network, Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 6 Episode 1 The Unknown | Charles Murray | 3/7/2014 | Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 6 Episode 2 Conspiracy | Katie Lucas | 3/7/2014 | Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 6 Episode 3 Fugitive | Katie Lucas | 3/7/2014 | Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 6 Episode 4 Orders | Katie Lucas | 3/7/2014 | Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 6 Episode 5 An Old Friend | Christian Taylor | 3/7/2014 | Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 6 Episode 6 The Rise of Clovis | Christian Taylor | 3/7/2014 | Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 6 Episode 7 Crisis at the Heart | Christian Taylor | 3/7/2014 | Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 6 Episode 8 The Disappeared, Part I | Jonathan W. Rinzler | 3/7/2014 | Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 6 Episode 9 The Disappeared, Part II | Jonathan W. Rinzler | 3/7/2014 | Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 6 Episode 10 The Lost One | Christian Taylor | 3/7/2014 | Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 6 Episode 11 Voices | Christian Taylor | 3/7/2014 | Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 6 Episode 12 Destiny | Christian Taylor | 3/7/2014 | Netflix |
Jedi | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Season 6 Episode 13 Sacrifice | Christian Taylor | 3/7/2014 | Netflix |
Master | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Story Reel - A Death on Utapau | Daniel Arkin | 9/25/2014 | |
Master | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Story Reel - In Search of the Crystal | Daniel Arkin | 9/25/2014 | |
Master | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Story Reel - The Big Bang | Daniel Arkin | 9/25/2014 | |
Master | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Stroy Reel - The Bad Batch | Brent Friedman | 9/25/2014 | |
Master | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Story Reel - A Distant Echo | Brent Friedman | 9/25/2015 | |
Master | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Story Reel - On the Wings of Keeradaks | Brent Friedman | 9/25/2014 | |
Master | 12 | TV | The Clone Wars Story Reel - Unfinished Business | Brent Friedman | 9/25/2014 | |
Master | 12 | Short Story | Kindred Spirts | Christie Golden | 7/21/2015 | Stars Wars Insider 159 |
Padawan | 12 | Novel | Dark Disciple | Christie Golden | 7/7/2015 | LucasBooks |
Master | 12 | Comic | Darth Maul Son of Dathomir 1 | Jeremy Barlow | 5/21/2014 | Dark Horse Comics |
Master | 12 | Comic | Darth Maul Son of Dathomir 2 | Jeremy Barlow | 6/18/2014 | Dark Horse Comics |
Master | 12 | Comic | Darth Maul Son of Dathomir 3 | Jeremy Barlow | 7/16/2014 | Dark Horse Comics |
Master | 12 | Comic | Darth Maul Son of Dathomir 4 | Jeremy Barlow | 8/20/2014 | Dark Horse Comics |
Padawan | 13 | Film | Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith | George Lucas | 5/19/2005 | 20th Century Fox |
Master | 13 | Young Reader | Revenge of the Sith | Geof Smith | 7/28/2015 | Golden Books |
Master | 0 | Video Game | Star Wars Journeys: Beginnings | 12/18/2014 | iOS app | |
Master | 13 | Comic | Kanan 1 | Greg Weisman | 4/1/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 13 | Comic | Kanan 2 | Greg Weisman | 5/6/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 13 | Comic | Kanan 3 | Greg Weisman | 6/10/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 13 | Comic | Kanan 4 | Greg Weisman | 7/22/2014 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 13 | Comic | Kanan 5 | Greg Weisman | 8/19/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 18 | Short Story | Orientation | John Jackson Miller | 4/21/2015 | Star Wars Insider 157 |
Padawan | 18 | Novel | Lords of the Sith | Paul S. Kemp | 4/28/2015 | LucasBooks |
Master | 18 | Short Story | Mercy Mission | Melissa Scott | 10/6/2015 | Rise of the Empire |
Padawan | 18 | Novel | Tarkin | James Luceno | 11/4/2014 | LucasBooks |
Master | 18 | Short Story | Bottleneck | John Jackson Miller | 10/6/2015 | Rise of the Empire |
Padawan | 21 | Novel | A New Dawn | John Jackson Miller | 9/2/2014 | LucasBooks |
Master | 21 | Comic | Star Wars 7 | Jason Aaron | 7/29/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 22 | Short Story | The End of History | Alexander Freed | 12//2014 | Star Wars Insider 154 |
Master | 25 | Film | Unititled Han Solo Anthology | Lawrence Kasdan, Jon Kasdan | 5/25/2018 | Walt Disney Studios, Lucasfilm Ltd |
Master | 25 | Comic | Star Wars Annual 1 | Kieron Gillen | 12/9/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 25 | Comic | Darth Vader Annual 1 | Kieron Gillen | 12/16/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 26 | Junior Reader | Servants of the Empire: Edge of the Galaxy | Jason Fry | 10/21/2014 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 27 | Video Game | Star Wars Rebels: Ghost Raid | 7/16/2014 | Disney Interactive on | |
Jedi | 27 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Short The Machine in the Ghost | Greg Weisman | 8/11/2014 | Disney XD, |
Master | 27 | Young Reader | Chopper Saves the Day | Elizabeth Shaefer | 8/18/2014 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Jedi | 27 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Short Art Attack | Greg Weisman | 8/18/2014 | Disney XD, |
Master | 27 | Young Reader | Sabine’s Art Attack | Jennifer Heddle | 6/1/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Jedi | 27 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Short Entanglement | Henry Gilroy, Simon Kinberg | 5/25/2014 | Disney XD, |
Master | 27 | Young Reader | Zeb to the Rescue | Michael Siglain | 8/5/2014 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 27 | Junior Reader | Ezra’s Gamble | Rider Windham | 8/5/2014 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Jedi | 27 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Short Property of Ezra Bridger | Simon Kinberg | 9/1/2014 | Disney XD, |
Master | 27 | Young Reader | Ezra and the Pilot | Jennifer Heddle | 8/5/2014 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 27 | Junior Reader | Rise of the Rebels | Michael Kogge | 8/5/2014 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 27 | Film | Rebels: Spark of Rebellion | Simon Kinberg | 10/14/2014 | Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment |
Master | 27 | Young Reader | Ezra’s Wookie Rescue Read-Along Storybook and CD | Meredith L. Rusu | 10/21/2014 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 27 | Junior Reader | The Rebellion Begins | Michael Kogge | 10/21/2014 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 27 | Young Reader | A New Hero | Pablo Hidalgo | 8/5/2014 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Jedi | 27 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Episode 1 Droids in Distress | Greg Weisman | 10/13/2014 | Disney XD, Disney Channel |
Jedi | 27 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Episode 2 Fighter Flight | Kevin Hopps | 10/20/2014 | Disney XD, Disney Channel |
Jedi | 27 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Episode 3 Rise of the Old Masters | Henry Gilroy | 10/27/2014 | Disney XD, Disney Channel |
Master | 27 | Young Reader | The Inquisitor’s Trap | Meredith L. Rusu | 12/9/2014 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 27 | Junior Reader | Droids in Distress | Michael Kogge | 11/18/2014 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 27 | Comic Strip | Learning Patience | Martin Fisher | 2/25/2015 | Star Wars Rebels Magazine 2 |
Master | 27 | Junior Reader | Servants of the Empire: Rebel in the Ranks | Jason Fry | 3/3/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 27 | TV | Wars Rebels Season 1 Episode 4 Breaking Ranks | Greg Weisman | 11/3/2014 | Disney XD, Disney Channel |
Master | 27 | Comic Strip | Kallus' Hunt | Martin Fisher | 4/22/2014 | Star Wars Rebels Magazine 4 |
Jedi | 27 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Episode 5 Out of Darkness | Kevin Hopps | 11/10/2014 | Disney XD, Disney Channel |
Master | 27 | Young Reader | Hera’s Phantom Flight | Elizabeth Shaefer | 3/31/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 27 | Comic | Kanan 6 | Greg Weisman | 9/23/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 27 | Comic Strip | Ring Race | Martin Fisher | 1/28/2015 | Star Wars Rebels Magazine 1 |
Master | 27 | Comic Strip | The Fake Jedi | Martin Fisher | 3/25/2015 | Star Wars Rebels Magazine 3 |
Master | 27 | Comic Strip | Return of the Slavers | Martin Fisher | 5/20/2015 | Star Wars Rebels Magazine 5 |
Master | 27 | Comic Strip | Eyes on the Prize | Jeremy Barlow | 6/17/2015 | Star Wars Rebels Magazine 6 |
Master | 27 | Video Game | Star Wars Rebels: Rebel Strike | 10/9/2014 | | |
Jedi | 27 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Episode 6 Empire Day | Henry Gilroy | 11/17/2014 | Disney XD, Disney Channel |
Jedi | 27 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Episode 7 Gathering Forces | Greg Weisman | 11/24/2014 | Disney XD, Disney Channel |
Jedi | 27 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Episode 8 Path of the Jedi | Charles Murray | 1/5/2015 | Disney XD, Disney Channel |
Master | 27 | Young Reader | Kanan’s Jedi Training | Elizabeth Shaefer | 8/4/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 27 | Junior Reader | Ezra’s Duel with Danger | Michael Kogge | 3/17/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Jedi | 27 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Episode 9 Idiot's Array | Kevin Hopps | 1/19/2015 | Disney XD, Disney Channel |
Master | 27 | Young Reader | Always Bet on Chopper | Meredith L. Rusu | 5/5/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 27 | Comic Strip | Sabotaged Supplies | Martin Fisher | 7/15/2015 | Star Wars Rebels Magazine 7 |
Master | 27 | Junior Reader | Servants of the Empire: Imperial Justice | Jason Fry | 7/7/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 28 | TV | Wars Rebels Season 1 Episode 10 Vision of Hope | Henry Gilroy | 2/2/2015 | Disney XD, Disney Channel |
Master | 28 | Video Game | Star Wars Rebels: Recon Missions | 3/26/0201 | iOS, Android, Windows mobile devices | |
Master | 28 | Comic Strip | Ezra's Vision | Martin Fisher | 8/12/2015 | Star Wars Rebels Magazine 8 |
Master | 28 | Junior Reader | Servants of the Empire: The Secret Academy | Jason Fry | 10/6/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Jedi | 28 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Episode 11 Call to Action | Greg Weisman, Simon Kinberg | 2/9/2015 | Disney XD, Disney Channel |
Master | 28 | Short Story | Rebel Bluff | Michael Kogge | 6/19/2015 | Star Wars Insider 158 |
Jedi | 28 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Episode 12 Rebel Resolve | Charles Murray, Henry Gilroy | 2/23/2015 | Disney XD, Disney Channel |
Jedi | 28 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Episode 13 Fire Across the Galaxy | Simon Kinberg | 3/2/2015 | Disney XD, Disney Channel |
Master | 28 | Junior Reader | Battle to the End | Michael Kogge | 3/2/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 28 | Comic Strip | Senate Persepective | Martin Fisher | 9/9/2015 | Star Wars Rebels Magazine 9 |
Jedi | 28 | Film | Star Wars Rebels: The Siege of Lothal | Henry Gilroy | 6/20/2015 | Disney XD |
Jedi | 28 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode 1 The Lost Commanders | Matt Michnovetz | 10/14/2015 | Disney XD |
Jedi | 28 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode 2 Relics of the Old Republic | 10/21/2015 | Disney XD | |
Jedi | 28 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode 3 Always Two There Are | 10/28/2015 | Disney XD | |
Jedi | 28 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode 4 Brothers of the Broken Horn | 11/4/2015 | Disney XD | |
Master | 28 | Video Game | Star Wars Rebels: Strike Missions | 10/14/2015 | | |
Jedi | 28 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode 5 Wings of the Master | 11/11/2015 | Disney XD | |
Jedi | 28 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode 6 Blood Sisters | 11/18/2015 | Disney XD | |
Jedi | 28 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode 7 Stealth Strike | 11/25/0201 | Disney XD | |
Jedi | 28 | TV | Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode 7 The Lost Children | TBA | Disney XD | |
Master | 32 | Film | Rogue One | John Knoll, Gary Whitta, Chris Weitz | 12/16/2016 | Walt Disney Studios, Lucasfilm Ltd |
Padawan | 32 | Film | Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope | George Lucas | 5/25/1977 | 20th Century Fox |
Master | 32 | Young Reader | Escape from Darth Vader | Michael Siglain | 9/16/2014 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 32 | Young Reader | Death Star Battle | 2/2/2016 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press | |
Master | 32 | Young Reader | A New Hope | Geof Smith | 7/28/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 32 | Young Reader | Star Wars A New Hope Read-Along and CD | Randy Thornton | 2/10/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 32 | Junior Reader | The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy | Alexander Bracken | 9/22/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 32 | Video Game | Star Wars Heroes Path | 6/18/2015 | iOS app | |
Jedi | 32 | Junior Reader | Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo & Chebacca Adventure | Greg Rucka | 9/4/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 32 | Animated Short | Smuggler's Run | 9/25/0205 | Nestle Comics | |
Master | 32 | Comic | Princess Leia 1 | Mark Waid | 3/4/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Princess Leia 2 | Mark Waid | 3/18/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Princess Leia 3 | Mark Waid | 4/29/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Princess Leia 4 | Mark Waid | 6/3/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Princess Leia 5 | Mark Waid | 7/1/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Short Story | One Thousand Levels Down | Alexander Freed | 7/22/2014 | Star Wars Insider 151 |
Master | 32 | Comic | Chewbacca 1 | Gerry Duggan | 10/14/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Chewbacca 2 | Gerry Duggan | 10/28/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Chewbacca 3 | Gerry Duggan | 11/11/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Chewbacca 4 | Gerry Duggan | 11/25/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Chewbacca 5 | Gerry Duggan | 12/23/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Padawan | 32 | Novel | Heir to the Jedi | Kevin Hearne | 3/3/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Jedi | 32 | Junior Reader | The Weapon if a Jedi: A Luke Skywalkwer Adventure | Jason Fry | 9/4/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 32 | Animated Short | The Weapon if a Jedi | 9/25/2015 | Nestle Comics | |
Master | 32 | Comic | Star Wars 1 | Jason Aaron | 1/14/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Star Wars 2 | Jason Aaron | 2/4/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Star Wars 3 | Jason Aaron | 3/11/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Darth Vader 1 | Kieron Gillen | 2/11/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Star Wars 4 | Jason Aaron | 4/22/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Darth Vader 2 | Kieron Gillen | 2/25/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Darth Vader 3 | Kieron Gillen | 3/25/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Darth Vader 4 | Kieron Gillen | 4/8/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Star Wars 5 | Jason Aaron | 5/20/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Darth Vader 5 | Kieron Gillen | 5/13/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Star Wars 6 | Jason Aaron | 6/3/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Darth Vader 6 | Kieron Gillen | 6/3/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Star Wars 8 | Jason Aaron | 8/19/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Star Wars 9 | Jason Aaron | 9/16/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Star Wars 10 | Jason Aaron | 10/7/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Star Wars 11 | Jason Aaron | 11/4/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Star Wars 12 | Jason Aaron | 11/18/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Darth Vader 7 | Kieron Gillen | 7/1/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Darth Vader 8 | Kieron Gillen | 8/5/0205 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Darth Vader 9 | Kieron Gillen | 9/9/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Darth Vader 10 | Kieron Gillen | 10/7/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Darth Vader 11 | Kieron Gillen | 10/21/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Darth Vader 12 | Kieron Gillen | 11/11/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Vader Down 1 | Jason Aaron | 11/18/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Darth Vader 13 | Kieron Gillen | 11/25/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Star Wars 13 | Jason Aaron | 11/25/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Darth Vader 14 | Kieron Gillen | 12/16/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Star Wars 14 | Jason Aaron | 12/23/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Darth Vader 15 | Kieron Gillen | Marvel Comics | |
Master | 32 | Video Game | Star Wars Commander | 8/21/2014 | iOS app | |
Master | 32 | Comic | Lando 1 | Charles Soule | 7/8/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Lando 2 | Charles Soule | 8/12/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Lando 3 | Charles Soule | 8/26/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Lando 4 | Charles Soule | 9/16/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Comic | Lando 5 | Charles Soule | 10/7/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 32 | Short Story | Last Call at the Zero Angle | Jason Fry | 3/10/2015 | Star Wars Insider 156 |
Padawan | 35 | Novel | Battlefront: Twilight Company | Alexander Freed | 11/3/2015 | Del Rey |
Padawan | 35 | Film | Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back | George Lucas, Leigh Brackett, Lawrence Kasdan | 5/21/1980 | 20th Century Fox |
Master | 35 | Young Reader | AT-AT Attack! | Calliope Glass | 11/3/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 35 | Young Reader | Use the Force | Michael Siglain | 4/7/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 35 | Young Reader | The Empire Strikes Back | Geof Smith | 7/28/2015 | Golden Books |
Master | 35 | Young Reader | The Empire Strikes Back Read-Along Storybook and CD | Randy Thornton | 3/10/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 36 | Junior Reader | The Empire Strikes Back: So You Want to be a Jedi? | Adam Gidwitz | 9/22/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Jedi | 36 | Junior Reader | Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure | Cecil Castelucci, Jason Fry | 9/4/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Padawan | 36 | Film | Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi | George Lucas, Lawrence Kasdan | 5/25/1983 | 20th Century Fox |
Master | 36 | Young Reader | Rescue from Jabba’s Palace | Michael Siglain | 4/28/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 36 | Young Reader | Ewoks Join the Fight | Michael Siglain | 8/4/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 36 | Young Reader | Return of the Jedi | Geof Smith | 7/28/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 36 | Young Reader | of the Jedi Read-Along Storybook and CD | Randy Thornton | 4/7/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 36 | Junior Reader | Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! | Tom Angleberger | 9/22/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 36 | Short Story | Blade Squadron | David J. Williams, Mark S. Williams | 4/22/2014 | Star Wars Insider 149 |
Master | 36 | Short Story | The Levers of Power | Jason Fry | 10/6/2015 | The Rise of the Empire |
Master | 36 | Young Reader | The Adventures of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight | Tony DiTerlizzi | 10/7/2014 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 36 | Young Reader | Star Wars in Pictures: The Original Trilogy | Ryder Windham | 8/1/2015 | Hardie Grant Books |
Master | 36 | Young Reader | The Original Trilogy Stories | Ivan Cohen | 9/1/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 36 | Young Reader | The Power of the Dark Side | 9/8/2015 | Studio Fun International | |
Master | 36 | Comic | Untitled graphic novel | 3/1/2016 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press | |
Master | 36 | Video Game | Star Wars: Galactic Defense | 10/30/2015 | Android, iOS app by DeNA Santiago | |
Master | 36 | Video Game | Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes | Late 015 | EA Capital Games | |
Master | 36 | Comic | Shattered Empire 1 | Greg Rucka | 9/9/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 36 | Comic | Shattered Empire 2 | Greg Rucka | 10/7/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 36 | Comic | Shattered Empire 3 | Greg Rucka | 10/14/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 36 | Comic | Shattered Empire 4 | Greg Rucka | 10/21/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Master | 36 | Short Story | Blade Squadron: Zero Hour | David J Williams, Mark S. Williams | 9/8/2015 | Star Wars Insider 160 |
Padawan | 36 | Novel | Aftermath | Chuck Wendig | 9/4/2015 | Del Rey |
Master | 36 | Video Game | Star Wars Uprising | 9/10/2015 | Android, iOS app | |
Master | 36 | Comic | C-3PO 1 | James Robinson | 9/10/2015 | Marvel Comics |
Padawan | 36 | Novel | Aftermath: Life Debt | Chuck Wendig | 5/31/2016 | Del Rey |
Padawan | 36 | Novel | Aftermath: Empire's End | Chuck Wendig | 2017 | Del Rey |
Padawan | 37 | Novel | Lost Stars | Claudia Gray | 9/4/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 37 | Video Game | Star Wars Battlefront | 11/17/2015 | DICE, Electronic Arts | |
Padawan | 60 | Novel | New Republic: Bloodline | Claudia Gray | 3/29/2016 | Del Rey |
Master | 66 | Junior Reader | Before the Awakening | Greg Rucka | 12/8/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Padawan | 66 | Film | Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens | George Lucas, Michael Arndt, Lawrence Kasdan, J.J. Abrams | 12/18/2015 | Walt Disney Motion Pictures Studios |
Master | 66 | Young Reader | Finn and the First Order | 12/18/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press | |
Master | 66 | Young Reader | Rey Meets BB-8 | Elizabeth Shaefer | 12/18/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 66 | Young Reader | Finn & Rey Escape | 12/18/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press | |
Master | 66 | Young Reader | Han & Chewie Return | Michael Siglain | 12/18/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press |
Master | 66 | Novel | Star Wars: The Force Awakens | Alan Dean Foster | 1/5/2016 | Del Rey |
Master | 66 | Junior Reader | Star Wars: The Force Awakens | 2/16/2016 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press | |
Master | 66 | Young Reader | The Force Awakens | 4/12/2016 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press | |
Master | 66 | Young Reader | The Force Awakens Read-Along Storybook and CD | 4/26/2016 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press | |
Master | 66 | Young Reader | Lightsaber Rescue | 12/15/2015 | Play-A-Sound | |
Master | 66 | Young Reader | Rolling with BB-8 | 12/18/2015 | Studio Fun International | |
Master | 66 | Young Reader | 5-Minute Star Wars Stories | 12/18/2015 | Disney-Lucasfilm Press | |
Master | 66 | Young Reader | The Chewbacca Story | 8/23/2016 | Studio Fun International | |
Master | 67 | Film | Star Wars Episode VIII | George Lucas, Rian Johnson | 5/26/2017 | Walt Disney Motion Pictures Studios |
Master | 67 | Film | Untitled Boba Fett | 2018 | Walt Disney Motion PIcture Studios | |
Master | 68 | Film | Star Wars Episode IX | George Lucas, Rian Johnson | 2019 | Walt Disney Motion Pictures Studios |
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